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Daily Survival Quote

Survival Kit | Survival Basics | Five C's of Survival | Five W's Shelter Checklist | Water Purification | Shelter Building | Camping Foods | Knives | Bearings | Winter Survival | Drinking Urine | Survival Luxuries

Welcome to Bushcraft Spirit!

A website dedicated to wilderness survival and outdoor living

Whether it's camping in the woods on the weekend, permanently living off the grid, or accidentally becoming stranded in the wild fighting for your life, the skills and knowledge you take with you into the bush will mean the difference between comfortable living and a hellish existence, and possibly even life or death.

Bushcrafting, primitive living and survival skills are a passion and a hobby of mine and have been for years. Be it reading books, watching good ole Survivorman, or getting the best experience and education possible out in the wilderness, I am continually learning and honing my bushcrafting skills.

This website is dedicated to sharing as much knowledge and insight I can into the whole field of outdoor living.

Current Topics
Survival Kit
Survival Basics
Finding Water
The 5 W's
The 5 C's
Camping Foods

Survival Kit | Survival Basics | Five C's of Survival | Five W's Shelter Checklist | Water Purification | Shelter Building | Camping Foods | Knives | Bearings | Winter Survival | Drinking Urine | Survival Luxuries

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Comments (2)

maxie harris

Great web sites heaps of good info to keep us alive, in the bush!

brian Ingram

Been living in the woods for over a year. Only 3 or 4 days a week though. I have no DL and my girlfriend works a lot too. I put put in about 60 to 70 hrs a week. Been camping all my life exchange about the last 5 previous years prior written the last year. Loving it again. Forgot how much the fun and challenges are. Tell people at work and they just don't get it. Want to help me,I'm great I say and they just don't get it.


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